Frequently asked questions

When I purchase in Queensland, is it different to purchasing in other Australian States??

Queensland is a buyer beware State which means it is up to you when you buy to make sure the property is the right property for you. The seller has very limited requirements when it comes to having to disclose matters to you and you will need to do more searches or investigations to make sure you are not purchasing a lemon. A solicitor can help you to identify what you need to look out for when purchasing a property in Queensland. 

Can a solicitor sign transfers on behalf of a seller in Queensland??

A solicitor can only sign transfers on behalf of a seller if settlement is happening electronically. Where paper transfers are to be signed then all sellers will need to sign these documents and have them witnessed in person. 

Are conditions deeming in Queensland?

Most conditions in Queensland are generally not deeming. A deeming condition is one that automatically satisfies or waives a condition, or even terminates a contract, if you fail to do something by a certain date. Generally most conditions will only give the seller rights against the buyer if the buyer does not do something by a certain date or vice versa. For example it would be a right to terminate or claim compensation. There are no conditions in Queensland that can automatically terminate a contract either. If you want to check if your conditions are deeming then we would recommend you speak to one of our friendly solicitors. 

When do I need to obtain insurance on a property in Queensland?

Under most Queensland contracts you will need to obtain insurance on the property from the first business day after the contract date. This will include for vacant land as you will still need to obtain public liability insurance. Most insurers will generally issue a cover note to cover you until settlement, with some even offering this free of charge until settlement. 

Does Queensland have paper certificates of title?

Queensland no longer uses paper certificates of title. All title records are now electronic. What this means is that you will not have a paper certificate of title when you own a property in Queensland.